ASN Bank, onderdeel van de Volksbank N.V., trad op 10 januari 2019 toe tot het REDD+ Business Initiative. CEO Arie Koornneef: ‘ASN Bank zet zich in om de biodiversiteit te behouden, het broeikaseffect te voorkomen en mensenrechten te beschermen. Alle leningen en beleggingen van ASN Bank moeten in 2030 een netto positief effect hebben op de biodiversiteit. Het REDD + Business Initiative geeft perfect invulling aan deze doelstelling. Door de toekomst van tropische regenwouden te beschermen, behouden we het meest waardevolle bezit van de mensheid.’

Rudi Daelmans (Tarkett), voorzitter van het REDD+ Business Initiative: ‘We zijn verheugd dat ASN Bank zich heeft aangesloten bij ons. Het toont de groeiende belangstelling van de financiële sector in investeringen met een positieve impact. Dat houdt nauw verband met de noodzaak te desinvesteren in fossiele brandstoffen en over te stappen naar winstgevende investeringen met een positief effect op het klimaat, de biodiversiteit en de sociale zekerheid. REDD+-projecten zijn een veelbelovende nieuwe beleggingscategorie die dit alles biedt.’

Zie ook:


Sinds de start van het REDD+ Business Initiative in 2013 hebben haar leden tezamen CO2-credits ter waarde van 10,3 MtCO2 gekocht. Daarvan is 1MtCO2 afkomstig van het Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversiteit Reserve in Peru, het vlaggenschip project van het RBI.

Met het verwerven van deze credits dragen de leden niet alleen bij aan het  behoud van grote arealen ongerept tropisch regenwoud, maar steunen zij ook de lokale boeren met het oog op de verbetering van de cacaoteelt, het verschaffen van landrechten en het verbeteren van afzetkanalen. Met als uiteindelijk doel het realiseren van duurzaam landgebruik ten gunste van de lokale bevolking met behoud van het regenwoud. De verwachting is dat bedrag van credits gekocht door de RBI leden de komende jaren nog zal toenemen.

Lisa Walker, CEO of RBI Member Ecosphere+, attended the World Economic Forum in January. The outcomes of the WEF Annual Global Risk Report show that risks of catastrophic weather and flooding from climate change are at the top of the list of concerns for business leaders. While there is general agreement that the maximum average temperature rise should be well under 2oC, the current global government commitments, if implemented, put the world on track for 3oC temperature rise – a huge gap. Natural climate solutions have a critical role to play in closing the gap. They can equate to 37% of the emissions reductions needed to achieve our climate goals and up to 50% of the pre-2020 mitigation required. The lowest-cost option is to prevent the conversion or destruction of our natural tropical forests in the first place. One third of this natural mitigation can be delivered at or below $10 per tonne of CO2e with many positive benefits for communities and ecosystems.

In conjunction with this global meeting, Ecosphere+ published ‘The Case for Forests’ booklet, which establishes the huge range of critical services that forests provide for the climate and nature, society, and economy.

Download the booklet here to learn more and use this information to engage your colleagues or friends on The Case for Forests.

The Dutch ASN Bank, part of the Volksbank NV known for its sustainable profile in banking, joined the REDD+ Business Initiative on 10th January 2019.

CEO Arie Koornneef:  “ASN Bank stands for the preservation of biodiversity, the prevention of global warming and the protection of human rights. For biodiversity we have set the goal that ASN Bank’s loans and investments are to have a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2030. The REDD+ Business Initiative perfectly matches these goals. By protecting the future of tropical rainforests, we protect the most valuable asset of humanity”.

Rudi Daelmans (Tarkett), chairman of the REDD + Business Initiative: “We are delighted that ASN Bank has joined us. It shows the growing interest of the financial sector in impact investment. This is closely related to the need to de-invest in fossil fuels and to shift to profitable investments with a positive impact on climate, biodiversity and social welfare. REDD+ projects are a promising new asset class which offers all of this”.

Since the official start of the REDD+ Business Initiative in 2013, its members collectively purchased CO2 credits from REDD+ projects to the equivalent of 10,3 MtCO2. Of this amount, 1MtCO2 comes from the RBI’s Flagship project Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve in Peru.


With these purchases, the members helped not only to preserve large areas of pristine tropical forests, but also contributed to the improvement of agricultural practices, land rights and trade channels for local farmers and communities. This includes the aim to create a sustainable land use model. The expectation is that amount of credits purchased by the RBI members will increase over the coming years.

The REDD+ Business Initiative is proud to be a signatory to the Katowice Declaration on Sound Accounting, that seeks to avoid double counting in carbon markets. We are also proud that our flagship REDD+ project, the Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve in Peru, is one of the first in the world to have corresponding adjustments made by the Government.


Environmental and Corporate Groups Urge Countries to Adopt Rules on Sound Carbon Accounting Under Paris Agreement


KATOWICE, Poland (4 December 2018) – The International Emissions Trading Association, Environmental Defense Fund and a group of 40 companies, business groups and non-governmental organisations today issued the Katowice Declaration on Sound Carbon Accounting.

Non-state actors are closely following the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process as Parties to the Paris Agreement prepare to finalise the guidance for its implementation, and developments under the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) on the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) are also underway. The declaration promotes sound carbon accounting, and urges countries to adopt robust rules to avoid double counting of emissions reductions under the Paris Agreement.

Avoiding the double counting of mitigation efforts in these programs is critical:

  1. For environmental integrity: Without strong rules to avoid double counting, including with CORSIA, we risk undermining the goals of the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement, and CORSIA.
  2. For business certainty: To protect against financial and reputational risk, companies investing in mitigation require certainty that purchased emissions reductions will not be used twice.
  3. For public confidence: If double-counting is allowed among UNFCCC Parties, or between them and CORSIA, that could undermine confidence among governments, businesses, civil society, and other stakeholders that international institutions have the ability to guide the necessary climate action.

Through the Declaration, companies, civil society and other non-state actors make clear our desire that all Parties agree strong rules at COP24 in Katowice that ensure all forms of double counting are avoided.

“All markets benefit from strong accounting to build investor confidence, but in the world of the Paris Agreement the delivery of the environmental objective absolutely depends on it,” said Dirk Forrister, IETA’s CEO.

“The Paris rules on carbon accounting should support international market linkages that lower costs, spur technology deployment and preserve competitiveness. These are all imperatives for business to scale-up climate action,” Forrister added.

“The wide range of companies and groups united in calling for clear accounting and transparency rules sends a strong message to the Parties meeting in Katowice: the Paris Agreement rulebook must include safeguards to prevent double counting,” said Nathaniel Keohane, Senior Vice President for Climate at Environmental Defense Fund.

”Carbon markets offer enormous promise to enable deep, cost-effective cuts in climate pollution at a global scale – but only if basic accounting rules are in place, like a prohibition on counting the same ton of emissions reductions twice,” Keohane added.

For more information about the RBI contact us here.


The REDD+ Business Initiative is attending COP24 and leading several events to raise awareness on the value of REDD+ and natural climate solutions for the private sector to address climate change. Join us to learn about the initiative and REDD+ projects.

During the side events at COP24, a panel of experts will discuss the inspiration and motivation behind corporate support for REDD+ as part of their broader sustainability and climate change agendas. In this interactive session, you will hear from experts from companies using REDD+ as part of their climate strategy, members of the REDD+ Business Initiative, and a representative of REDD+ projects around the world.

Date: 8 December

Title: Meet the Experts of the REDD+ Business Initiative

Time: 16.30-18.30

Venue: EU Pavillon, Lobby


  1. Ruben Veefkind, (Greenchoice)
  2. Lucy Arndt, (Ecosphere+)
  3. Erik van Zadelhoff


Interactive session to allow visitors to learn more about the REDD+ Business Initiative and to exchange views on its ambitions.

About the REDD+ Business Initiative:

The events are organized by the REDD+ Business Initiative, a platform of ten companies investing in REDD+ in co-operation with Ecosphere+/Althelia, IUCN NL and MVO NL. During the side events a panel of experts will discuss the inspiration and motivation behind corporate support for REDD+ as part of their broader sustainability and climate change agendas. The focus will be on the question how public instruments could incentivize more private sector investments in REDD+?

Read more about the RBI here.


For further details please contact:

Erik van Zadelhoff, Administrator, RBI

The REDD+ Business Initiative is attending COP24 and leading several events to raise awareness on the value of REDD+ and natural climate solutions for the private sector to address climate change. Join us to learn about the initiative and REDD+ projects.

During the side events at COP24, a panel of experts will discuss the progress on private sector contribution to reducing deforestation through the REDD+ mechanism. The partners of the REDD+ Business Initiative consider REDD+ as a very potent vehicle for climate action while at the same time achieving important outcomes for biodiversity, food security and community engagement: in short, contributing to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. A vehicle that is very well suited to engage companies in early action. The Initiative is inspiring other companies and countries to initiate similar private sector initiatives. More, however, must be done to link government REDD+ initiatives, public and private sector finance and the actions of companies.   

Date: 7th December 2018



Time: 14.30-16.00

Venue: EU Pavillon, Room Brussels

Title: Progress on private sector contribution to Reducing Deforestation (REDD+)


  1. Rudi Daelmans, (Group sustainability scouting and advocacy Director at Tarkett) 2. Ruben Veefkind, (Greenchoice)

Moderator: Jos Cozijnsen


The achievements and potential of private sector investments in REDD+ will be presented, as well as the way in which voluntary projects and international trade of credits could fit in the NDC approach of the Paris Agreement.

This session will share the experiences of a forest sector project ‘Strengthening Sustainable Management of Forests in Georgia’ implemented by a Lithuanian and Hungarian consortium, as well as other projects and shared best practice.

In light of international and national land-based mitigation goals (forest conservation, sustainable development etc.), there is an urgent need to obtain better estimates of forest biomass stocks and changes which are accurate, reliable and transparent. We present recent advances from IPCC 2019 GPG refinement and new estimates, and prospects for large area forest biomass estimation using space-based and ground data sources.

Address the questions:

  1. What is achieved by the REDD+ Business Initiative?
  2. Why do companies invest in REDD+ and what government actions would encourage them to step up their efforts?
  3. How to nest project based action in NDC’s? The case of Peru

The REDD+ Business presentation is part of the session “The key role of forests in mitigating Climate Change, from the Paris Agreement to EU legislation”

About the REDD+ Business Initiative:
The events are organized by the REDD+ Business Initiative, a platform of ten companies investing in REDD+ in co-operation with Ecosphere+/Althelia, IUCN NL and MVO NL. During the side events a panel of experts will discuss the inspiration and motivation behind corporate support for REDD+ as part of their broader sustainability and climate change agendas. The focus will be on the question how public instruments could incentivize more private sector investments in REDD+?

Read more about the RBI here.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has recently published draft of the Tropical Forest Standard which sets out comprehensive requirements for credits from large-scale reductions in emissions from tropical deforestation to be considered for inclusion in California’s cap-and-trade program. Adoption of the standard by the Board would be a pivotal first step toward California becoming the first compliance carbon market in the world to recognize such credits.The use of these and any other international credits will be limited to 2% of an entity’s annual compliance obligation. The California Standard will solidify the state’s role as a global climate leader, setting the gold standard for cap-and-trade programs to reduce tropical deforestation and providing a model that others can replicate.

Source: EDF September 5, 2018

De California Air Resources Board (CARB) heeft onlangs het ontwerp van de  California Tropical Forest Standard gepubliceerd, waarin de eisen worden uiteengezet die worden gesteld aan boscredits wanneer die worden opgenomen in het cap-and-trade-programma van Californië. De goedkeuring van de standaard door de raad vormt een cruciale eerste stap in de richting van het toelaten van boscredits tot een verplichtend systeem voor de reductie van koolstofemissies. Californië wordt daarmee de eerste staat ter wereld die dergelijke credits gaat erkennen. Het gebruik van deze en andere internationale carbon credits zal worden beperkt tot 2% van de jaarlijkse verplichting van een bedrijf. De California Standard zal de rol van de staat als wereldwijde klimaatleider verstevigen en de gouden standaard bepalen voor cap-and-trade-programma’s om tropische ontbossing te verminderen en een model bieden dat anderen kunnen repliceren.


Source: EDF September 5, 2018