Save the date “Forest conservation in the tropics indispensable”

There is an interesting event coming up that I would like to invite you to. This is a public meeting of the REDD+ Business Initiative entitled

Forest conservation in the tropics; indispensable for achieving your climate goals

Date: March 27th, 2024, 15:30-17:30 uur
Place: Planetarium Meeting Center, Kroonwijkdreef 11, Amsterdam (Gaasperplas, metro 53)

As a company, you can make a significant contribution to tropical forest conservation while also advancing your ambitions in climate action, biodiversity preservation, and sustainable economic development.

The REDD+ Business Initiative (RBI) cordially invites you to a special meeting where you can learn from leading companies about their approaches to this crucial issue, as well as the benefits of joining the RBI network. Our network extends both nationally and internationally through partnerships such as the NCS Alliance of the World Economic Forum and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development. We will delve into developments in the voluntary carbon market, which is vital in realizing climate ambitions and is currently undergoing rapid development. In summary an afternoon of inspiration and motivation!


  • 15:00  Walk in
  • 15:30  Introductie to RBI Michel Schuurman Chair RBI/Treevive
  • 15:45  Company perspective
    • Thomas Leneveu Tarkett
    • Rudi Daelmans Heliox
    • Jop Weterings McKinsey
  • 16:25  Audience discussion
  • 16:25  Co-operation NCS Alliance Jennica Gordon WBCSD/WEF
  • 17:00  Lobby and Advocacy
    • VCM framework proposal NL/EUVera Olgers Ministry EZK
    • Good Climate PracticeAdriaan Korthuis Climate Focus
  • 17:20  Closing and drinks


To register your attendance, please fill in the form below or email .

The mission of the REDD+ Business Initiative is to support companies in integrating REDD+ into their business strategy, providing information and encouraging other companies and governments to participate and support our cause. The attached RBI Nieuwsbrief provides a recent overview of the most relevant developments in this area. If you would like to receive our newsletter more often, sign up here or by sending an email .



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