RBI meets with EU lawmaker
Representatives of RBI discussed with Bas Eickhout (Greens/EFA) the letter of six MEPs to California to warn against the use of forest carbon credits in its carbon market.
We argued that REDD+ is a very valuable part of the Paris Agreement in which many of the concerns mentioned in the letter are already addressed. REDD+ projects like the ones supported by RBI in Peru show that environmental integrity can not only be assured, but that such projects contribute substantially to climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation, while at the same time improving the local economy and human rights.
Eickhout re-iterated that REDD+ projects and credit systems have not yet proven that they work and explained once again that he is very afraid that any form of offsetting will weaken the ambition for real emission reductions. Especially when it comes to EU-ETS and CORSIA. We agreed with Eickhout to prepare a position paper on how RBI companies perceive this dilemma and how offsetting could contribute to climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. (February 6, 2020)