RBI’s Flagship project Tambopata rated high by Sylvera
Rating agency Sylvera has awarded Tambopata an AA rating, the second-highest score on a scale of 8. Tambopata serves as a noteworthy example for all REDD+ projects discussed in Sylvera’s “The State of Carbon Credits 2023” (1). Tambopata has achieved a perfect score of 103% on CO2 effectiveness, along with high scores in additionality, permanence, and co-benefits such as biodiversity conservation and contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To date, Sylvera has granted only four REDD+ projects an AA rating, the highest available in the market. In contrast, the other 49 assessed REDD+ projects are mostly of average quality. Notably, reforestation projects and those dedicated to improving forest management tend toreceive lower scores than REDD+ projects. Furthermore, projects focusing on technicalsolutions receive even lower ratings. This trend is reflected in the pricing dynamics. Whileprices for all project types have fallen this year to where they were in 2021, REDD+ projectsand other nature based projects have maintained their premium.
While the current challenging market offers buyers the opportunity to acquire high-qualitycarbon credits, this situation could change rapidly as more companies actively strive for theirnet-zero targets.
1) https://www.sylvera.com/resources/the-state-of-carbon-credits-report